Lord of the wings far cry 5
Lord of the wings far cry 5

"When i grow up i want to be a protector daeva" i said to them. "WAIT UP GUYS!! WOOOOW." Since then i know what i wanted to be when i grew up. SHEEN LOOK AT THAT PERNON LAIRON " Exallion exclaimed. "HEY GUYS!! LOOK A LAIRON" Sophia shouted at the top of his lungs. "How's Halcya state lion?" Memory flashes in my head like it was just yesterday~

lord of the wings far cry 5

"I'll be the one asking that to you." He unpacked my luggage and offer me tea.

lord of the wings far cry 5

My butler welcome me as i step in my door.

lord of the wings far cry 5

It was the mid summer when i decided to take a vacation in my mansion in pernon, it was evening when i arrived.

Lord of the wings far cry 5