The full list of trait is too big to be listed here. If I do this can I still use the custom race for multiplayer games with my friend only? ELITE Charette posted on 3:51:05 AM - Report post So, you can only assign yourself '99' points. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Legend\Public\Simulation File is called "FactionTraits" open with notepad and you'll find an "80" listed in the description this is the points you have to work with. The Cravers Designed as living weapons, the hive has and change the Cost. Sowers are seekers and exploiters of new planets and new systems 1 Lore 2 Population Traits 3 Political Traits 4 Sowers Law Cut off from their Endless masters aeons ago, when the Dust Wars erased all Endless from the galaxy, the Sowers are lost children still pining for their creators' return.

Pro tip: If you join someone's game in multiplayer who has the DLCs and save it you can try it out without paying for it. Discussing custom race points on Endless Space PC message board and forum (page 2).